Mont Blanc Gouter

Climbing Mont Blanc by normal route from France with guide

  • Activity: Alpinism
  • Country: France
  • Level: PD (Not difficult)
  • Season: June, July, August, September
  • Max guests: 2

If you are interested in this option, please send me a message through the "Request" button. I will contact you, and we will discuss everything! You can read about my rates by following the link in the "Information" section.

Mont Blanc is the highest summit in Western Europe. The mountain range includes secondary peaks such as Mont Blanc du Tacul at 4248m, Mont Maudit at 4465m, and Mont Blanc di Courmayeur at 4765m. The classic routes for climbing Mont Blanc are the Les Aiguilles Grises route, the Traverse of the Three Mont Blancs, the Grand Mulets route (the first ascent route in 1861), and the Boss Ridge route (which translates to "ridge with bumps" in English).

The Boss Ridge route is one of the easiest and most popular routes with a high number of ascents per year. No special preparation is required, but experience in hiking or mountaineering is welcome.


Climbing the Mont Blanc may seem like a relatively easy thing at first glance, but from a physical point of view, it should not be underestimated. Several consecutive days will require moving for 6-12 hours per day. I highly recommend starting to prepare in the fall/winter. Begin running, go to the gym. It's best to do this under the supervision of a coach, but if you're not new to amateur sports, you can do it on your own.

Recommended trainings:

  • Running 5, 10km distance and longer
  • Running uphill. Even with small gain
  • Running up the stairs
  • Drills for legs: weighted squats, lunges, split squats, step-ups

No technical experience is required. Long hikes are good for preparation. Rock climbing is excelent way to improve your phisical conditions and it is fun!


To successfully climb Mont Blanc, acclimatization to high altitude is required. Since visitors often come from sea level (plus/minus), it is crucial to adapt to heights of 3-4 thousand meters above sea level.

Possible acclimatisation climbs:

  • (main variant) 2 day's trip including glacier hike, night at Torino hut and traversing Aiguillles Marbrées (3535 m)
  • 2 day's trip including night at Albert Premier hut and climbing Aiguille du Tour (3540 m)
  • 2 day's trip in Italy with night at Vittorio Emanuelle II hut and climbing Grand Paradiso (4063 m)
  • 2 day's trip in Italy with the night in Gnifetti hut and climbing several 4k peaks in Monte Rosa range.

Includes in price

  • Guide's fee
  • Group equipment
  • Assistance in refuges reservation
  • Accommodation and food for the guide (refuges and Chamonix)
  • Guide's cable cars

Do not includes in price

  • Personal equipment rentals
  • Accommodation and food for guest in Chamonix
  • Accommodation and food for guest in refuges
  • Guest's cable cars
  • All transfers


Meeting point

The meeting point with the group is determined by the guide.

Day 1: Snow, ice rock climbing training

Morning: glacier Mer de Glace. After lunch, rocks near Chamonix.

Day 2: Acclimatisation first day

Depending of itinerary , hut approach, or glacier hike.

Day 3: Acclimatisation climbs

Depending of itinerary, climbing one of the summits in the area.

Day 4: Gouter hut approach

Long day with altitude gain 1100 m. Time 6-8 hours.

Day 5: Climbing Mont Blanc

Early start, long day, altitude gain 1000 m. Mont Blanc summit 4805 m, descent to Chamonix. 8-12 hours.

Day 6. Extra day for bad weather.

If this day is not used for climbing, guests can spend another day climbing or go on a simple trekking, depending on their preference.

Possible changes

The guide may make changes to the program if the weather conditions, physical and psychological conditions of the guests require it, up to cancelling the program.


Distance: kilometer
Elevation (loss): meter
Elevation (gain): meter